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In a recent BBC global survey conducted by IPSOS in 2018, three-quarters of respondents said their country’s society is divided, not only now but more than a decade ago. And The Gallup 2019 Global Emotions Report found adults in more than 140 countries in 2018 more worried, sadder and angrier than ever before.

As concerns closer to home, a 2019 Angus Reid poll found three in five Canadians were concerned about the future of the next generation.  Climate change remains our No. 1 issue – yet we don’t agree on the best way to fight it.  And there’s an increasing mood of inter-regional dissatisfaction, alienation and fragmentation.


The Forest – Common Ground ® is intended to provide an uplifting and “counter” message to these prevailing attitudes, celebrating the universal appeal of the forest as both sanctuary and sustainer – supporting a diverse, strong and accepting community of common understanding.

Please note videos on this website refer to a submission closing date of December 31, 2020 and a tentative exhibition date of the summer of 2022.  Due to Covid challenges, design and construction requirements, image processing and numerous other project initiatives, these have been extended to December 31, 2021 and 2027/28 respectively.


Our project involves coordinating photographers from throughout Canada and the world to build a Canadian and International forest, coexisting as two separate though unified forests.  This is a complex, large and daunting task – and it can’t happen without the financial and service/product assistance from organizations committed to their local and broader communities.

If you or your organization are interested in becoming a Sponsor, click on the "Become a sponsor" button below to go to the Contact page and use the "Contact us" form to let us know.



We recognize the economic and operational challenges of today – strong competition, increasing consumer demands and expectations, enhanced government scrutiny and an unpredictable global market.  We also recognize resources are limited and the significant demands on organizations to support other projects.  So why The Forest – Common Ground ®?  Because it:


  • Has an important, timely and universal message – supporting a common understanding and appreciation in Canada and throughout the world for others 

  • Is unique – this is the first exhibition of its kind to bring photographers from across Canada and the world together to create two unified forest art installations

  • Supports the operations of various reforestation, climate change and environmental organizations through the donation of all net exhibition and retail sales revenue

  • Has no boundaries – it appeals across all age groups and cultures

  • Provides extensive exposure and sponsorship options to support targeted marketing for local, national and international organizations – brand enhancement

  • Is consistent with the corporate goals of great organizations – social responsibility, sustainability and community outreach

  • Encourages local, national and international community engagement and participation


Creating the installation requires support across a number of areas – construction of the trees and associated support (e.g. lighting, audio, etc.), shipping, advertising, marketing and staffing of the retail operations.  At this time, the overall effort is supported by a committed group of volunteers. 


Our sponsorship packages have been developed to reflect varying levels of commitment, budget and the type of service or product your organization provides. The key is flexibility and creative partnering to ensure value for your donation, whether it is cash, in-kind or both.  We are confident investment at any level will provide your organization with exceptional benefit and would welcome the opportunity to discuss what bests suits your business objectives.


The Forest – Common Ground ® is committed to the sustainment and enhancement of the environment in Canada and throughout the world for the current and future generations.  As a consequence, we will be donating our net Canadian exhibition and retail proceeds to support the efforts of various charitable organizations dedicated to reforestation, environmental preservation and climate change initiatives in Canada.

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