Thanks for subscribing to The Forest – Common Ground. The project officially launched on May 26, 2020. High quality submissions have come in from BC and Alberta, and photographers in almost all Provinces and Territories have expressed an interest in participating. If you would like to submit, we recommend you first go to the website Tab entitled “Submissions” and watch the video “How to photograph trees” under Downloads. Keep in mind submissions can't include snow, rain, groundwater, etc. so best to get your shots completed prior to October. And of course, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at info@tforcg.com.
To reiterate, photographers are being asked to capture tree trunks as per the guidelines, and if accepted, send us the RAW images for editing– essentially we are producing new works from existing works (the photographer original images) to create an immersive experience of a forest (18-20 multi-branch and 100+ standalone “trees” for a total of 200+ trunk images) in the installation space. We have included a photo of a multi-branch tree comprised of trunks submitted by Jon Havelock to give you a better idea as to how we are using photographer images.
Until next time, stay safe. And good luck with your "trunk hunting."
Jon Havelock